State Police Kick Off Memorial Day STOP DWI Crackdown
State Police and local law enforcement statewide will be ramping up patrols to combat drunk, impaired and reckless driving during Memorial Day weekend.
The STOP-DWI enforcement period kicked-off today and will continue through Monday.
Governor Andrew Cuomo says Memorial Day is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year and police will be out in force to remove impaired and reckless drivers from New York's highways.
"We have zero tolerance for impaired and reckless driving in New York, and this campaign will help crack down on this dangerous behavior and make our roadways safe for motorists during this busy travel time," Governor Cuomo said. "I urge everyone to drive safely and be responsible this Memorial Day weekend."
Drivers can expect to see sobriety checkpoints and increased patrols by State Police and local law enforcement agencies during the holiday weekend.
On Memorial Day weekend in 2016, Troopers arrested 225 people for drinking and driving and issued nearly 12,000 tickets,
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