Keeler Show Notes for Monday, December 16th, 2019
Monday, December 16th, 2019
6 AM Hour
- A vote on Impeachment in the House is expected this week and Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio joins us this morning with a report on what to expect.
7 AM Hour
- New polls are out on Impeachment and John Zogby is telling us how to analyze them.
- After over 10 years at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds, The Great American Irish Festival is moving to Varick Street and the new Irish Cultural Center. We speak with Peter Karl about the decision to move the location and the date.
8 AM Hour
- The 15th Annual Teddy Bear Toss was another success and a win! Scot Hayes of New York Sash is counting bears in the NY Sash showroom.
- With Impeachment looming President Trump had quite the weekend. He spent a lot of time Tweeting. Jon Decker (FNR) joins us to give a "Trump Weekend in Review."
- The world's greatest Hot Wheels collector lives right here in Central New York and he's on this morning to talk to us about his collection. He also gives holiday gift ideas and talks about an upcoming event he'll be participating in for the Children's Museum.
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