Keeler Show Notes for Monday, June 11th, 2018
Monday, June 11th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk about a recap of the G7 Summit and pardons.
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio joins us with a report on Mitt Romney predicting a 'Solid' 2020 win for Trump.
7 AM Hour
- John Zogby is on this morning with us to give his predictions for the upcoming Summit in Singapore with North Korea.
- Marques Phillips is on this morning to talk about Corn Hill and how far it has come or hasn't.
8 AM Hour
- Rich Sherman is the New Hartford Highway Superintendent and he's on this morning to discuss the Trash Pick-Up this week.
- Ray Johnson is on the Herkimer County Legislature and he's on this morning to discuss the shutdown of the Herkimer County Jail and what it will take to fix the problem that did it.