Tenney: Brindisi Betrays Voters With Impeachment Vote
Former Congresswoman Caudia Tenney says Anthony Brindisi is betraying the voters of upstate New York in his vote for impeachment.
"Today is a sad day for our nation. It is the first time in history a President will be impeached without a crime being committed," Tenney said. "Democrats are stopping at nothing to erase the gains we made last Congress. Thanks to the bipartisan hard work of the last Congress and President Trump, our nation is continuing to benefit economically, internationally and across all sectors, while the partisan democrats are consumed with the impeachment charade".
"Anthony Brindisi promised voters in NY-22 he would work with our President, he promised to work with Republicans, he promised not to be a partisan hack," Tenney said. "Instead, he has gone to Washington and fallen right in line with the extreme, do-nothing Democrats.".
Tenney will challenge Brindisi for the 22nd Congressional District seat in 2020.