Keeler Show Notes for Friday, April 24th, 2020
Friday, April 24th, 2020
6 AM Hour
- A new FOX News Poll has Biden slightly ahead of Trump in Florida. To break it down we speak with Tonya J. Powers (FNR).
7 AM Hour
- The Fountainhead Group in New York Mills is a manufacturer that produces a number of products, including aerosol applicators. George Mitchellmany of the locally made applicators are being used around the globe druring the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Join us Wednesday May 6, 2020 for MV at Home, a concert featuring local and national acts, to be simulcast LIVE on TV and radio. Keeler makes the announcement with Karen Carey and Steve Ventura.
- MVHS Dr Kent Hall fields questions on anything and everything COVID-19.
8 AM Hour
- It's been a stressful few weeks, but this week Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente is especially frustrated. He's had issues with Governor Cuomo and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this week.
- We catch up with Senator Joe Griffo. There has been a lot going on and the state is battling with when to open the economy back up.
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