Keeler Show Notes for Monday, March 19th, 2018
Monday, March 19th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland from Fox News Radio joins us this morning to talk about the Trump Administration Shake-Ups latest and Trump's Tweets about Mueller.
- Tonya J. Powers from Fox News Radio calls up to update us on the Austin bombings story.
7 AM Hour
- Jim Piccola from the New York State DOT is on this morning to give his take on the collapsed pedestrian bridge. He also updates us on the next phase of Burrstone Road construction happening soon.
- Utica City Councilman Joe Marino from the 4th District is on with us this morning to talk about a $700,000 error made at City Hall. Is it political?
8 AM Hour
- Gubernatorial Candidate Joel Giambra calls in this morning to talk about his run on the Reform Party Line. His big issue is legalizing recreational marijuana in New York.
- We speak with Ian Brucker and Frank Spartano about the upcoming Big East Camping and Outdoor Show coming to the Turning Stone.
- NY Conservative Party Chair Mike Long calls in to respond to comments made about him earlier this morning by Joel Giambra.