Thursday, February 27th, 2020

6 AM Hour

- President Trump scored a major victory in court this week allowing him to go after Sanctuary cities. Rachel Sutherland (FNR) is on this morning to report on the specifics.

7 AM Hour

- Tuesday nights debate saw Democrat Presidential candidates mainly talking over one another. What did John Zogby think of it? He tells us because we ask him.

- Martha MacCallam of Fox News is on with us this morning to talk about her new book, 'Unknown Valor: A Story of Family, Courage, and Sacrifice from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima.'

8 AM Hour

- Dr. Richard Chmielewski is the owner and founder of the Falcon Clinic. He demonstrates an osteopathic technique for knee pain.

- Naegele brings in a brand new beer that even he hasn't tried. We all like it. It's kind of a magic trick! It's Super Soft IPA from Sloop Brewing in the Hudson Valley!

Some parting shots from Richard!

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