6 weather Days in Our Near Future That Could Be Beautiful
The National Weather Service is looking at six days over the next week that look unseasonably warm and sunny. Providing the current weather pattern doesn't change, moods will be improving across Central New York and the Mohawk Valley.
Forecasters are making a big promise right now for six straight days of sunshine and warmer temperatures beginning this weekend.
While there's snow to the nation's west and severe weather to the south, Upstate New York is expecting temperatures in the 50s and 60s with plenty of sunshine beginning on Saturday and lasting right on through the middle of next week.
The pleasant weather can't come soon enough as locals have complained about being cooped up through this winter of the pandemic, even though conditions haven't been that bad overall. "February was cold," WIBX's Jeff Monaski said during the Keeler Show. So far, March has been somewhat mild and the weather that's being predicted over the next week looks unseasonably nice.
Here's what the extended forecast for the Southern Mohawk Valley is saying right now:
Thursday 45º Rain
Friday 39º Mostly Sunny
Saturday 51º Sunny
Sunday 59º Sunny
Monday 64º Sunny
Tuesday 64º Mostly Sunny
Wednesday 62º Mostly Cloudy
Thursday 62º AM Showers
Friday 60º Showers
Saturday 56º Showers
Sunday 54º Showers
Here's a disclaimer that we're all very used to. Weather patters can change and this is an extended forecast, but as of now, things look beautiful for March, according to the National Weather Service.
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