Keeler Show Notes for Friday, October 11th, 2019
Friday, October 11th, 2019
6 AM Hour
- A new poll has been released by Fox News regarding impeachment and 2020. Rachel Sutherland gives a report on the details and reaction.
- Our weekend movie reviewer, Willie Waffle, has a few good ones today.
The Addams Family - They're creepy and their spooky. They're altogether ooky and animated.
Gemini Man - Will Smith is an assassin fighting off a younger man who seems to know his every move.
7 AM Hour
- Steve Hauck is on this morning to talk about use of force for police. He's impressed with publicly released videos used by the LAPD for training and to explain cases to the public.
8 AM Hour
- Brandon Lang is on this morning to give his Week 6 NFL and extra-curricular activity choices.
- 2 Florida businessmen associated with Rudy Giuliani have been arrested for campaign finance violations and we speak with former Hillary Clinton advisor Jehmu Greene about it.