Keeler Show Notes for Monday, July 30th, 2018
Monday, July 30th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland and Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio give us updates on Rudy Giuliani on Fox News Sunday and 65% of Americans under 50 not having a will.
7 AM Hour
- Sandy Deperno is the Oneida County Clerk and she's running for re-election. She is in this morning to respond to Dave Gordon's interview last week.
- Judge Jeanine Pirro is on this morning to talk about her local tie and her new book, "Liars, Leakers and Liberals."
8 AM Hour
- Sharon Jachim is in this morning with Polish fare to promote the upcoming Polish-American Parish Festival and Flea Market.
- Undersheriff Rob Swenszkowski is on this morning to talk about his retirement from the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.
- Michael Law is a Political Analyst who is on this morning to talk about the GDP Report and what it means for President Trump.