Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, June 1st, 2017
Thursday, June 1st, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio joins us this morning to update us on the latest Trump headlines.
7 AM Hour
- We hold our final Beatles contest to determine who will win the Paul McCartney tickets and the winner is Rick Boehlert from Utica.
- Chief Russ Brooks joins us on the phone this morning to update us on how he's doing with this controversy with the mayor.
8 AM Hour
- Mark Bott is the founder of Operation Kids Safe. He is on to promote an event being held at Carbone Honda. His organization provides a Safeguard for parents in the event of an amber alert or missing child incident.
- John Naegele from McCraith Beverages is in this morning and brought us a nice gift of Shiner's Strawberry Blonde.
- CNN Washington Correspondent, Ryan Nobles, joins us this morning to talk about the latest news from the Hill.