Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, November 21st, 2018
Wednesday, November 21st, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland (FNR) is on this morning to talk about the latest on the Caravan and border security overall.
- Tonya J. Powers (FNR) reports on Holiday travel and how crazy it will be.
- Willie Waffle weekend movie reviews are here again and he runs down the following:
Ralph Breaks The Internet - Wreck It Ralph is back. (2 1/2 Waffles)
Creed II - Creed Jr fights Drago Jr and Rocky is worried. (2 1/2 Waffles)
Robin Hood - Takes from the rich. Gives to the poor. You might be familiar with the tale. (1 Waffle)
7 AM Hour
- Kathy Dunn of 'Music and More Records' is on this morning to talk about Record Store Day.
8 AM Hour
- Brandon Lang is on this morning to give his extra-curricular picks for the weekend.
- Jordan Peters from the Boilermaker Road Race is in this morning to talk about the new logos and early registration details.
- Ryan Nobles from CNN is on this morning to talk about the latest news from the Hill.