Friday, 20th, 2018

6 AM Hour

- Tonya J. Powers and Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio are on this morning to update us on Facebook posts and censorship and The Aspen Security Conference.

- Willie Waffle is our weekend movie reviewer. Before we get to the movies we talk about Squeaky Fromme living in Marcy and other unrelated topics. Here are the movies being released this weekend!

The Equalizer 2 - Denzel Washington is back and this time it's personal. (1 1/2 Waffles)

Mamma Mia 2 - Almost everyone is back. (3 Waffles)

7 AM Hour

- Ed Bucciero is a former Utica Councilman and he's on this morning to talk about a number of city issues including Term Limits, UPD contract and others.

- Brian Barlow is the founder of and the Facebook page 'Offside.' He talks to us about the craziest parents at sporting events.

8 AM Hour

- Professor Allan Saxe from the University of Texas at Arlington and teaches Political Science. He's on to talk about President Trump's comments on Joe Biden running in 2020.

- Doris Donley is the General Manager of Team USA's blind hockey team in Utica this weekend.

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