Keeler Show Notes for Monday, January 15th, 2018
Monday, January 15th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk about the false alarm that occurred in Hawaii over the weekend. An EAS message was sent out warning of a nuclear ballistic missile.
- Rachel Sutherland from Fox News Radio is on this morning to give an overview of Trump's weekend.
7 AM Hour
- Leslie Sorrell is on this morning. She is a Political Strategist and she talks to us about President Trump's use of a crude word and DACA.
- Stefan Rubitski is out of Jail and he calls in to tell us what he's been up to.
8 AM Hour
- Travis Olivera is on this morning to talk about his move from the Ilion Public Library to his new job at the Hamilton Public Library.
- Harry Harrison Jr. is a parenting specialist and author of several books. He is on this morning to talk about the problem of sexting among teens.