Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

6 AM Hour

- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio is on this morning to preview the upcoming address to Congress tonight from President Trump.


- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio talks with us about the father of the NAVY Seal killed in that Yemen raid. He slams the President wanting a probe into what exactly happened.

7 AM Hour

- We speak with Carter Turner who comments on the fact that March is the biggest month for the GOP in a decade.

8 AM Hour

- We speak with Lianne Nimey who talks with us about a drive she's spear-heading locally to benefit Caps for Love. Get more details at CapsOfLove.com.

- We speak with Superintendent of Clinton Schools Dr. Steve Grimm about the online threat of violence that occurred from one of their students.

- Eric Wilson discusses with us the fate of Obamacare.

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